Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Gobble, Gobble, GobbledyGeek

Er....I mean Gobbledygook! 

It's almost Thanksgiving.  YAY!  I love Thanksgiving.  I have a lot to be thankful for and I LOVE TO EAT!

It's been slightly cooler here and we're getting rain off and on but we had about three days of fall color.    The wind is blowing and leaves are littering our lawn, driveway, gutters, flower beds, and my favorite: embedded under the windshield wipers. 


Oh.  Evil Twin says I should get the mower out and mulch them.  Actually, I'm thinking she should do that.

We are having smoked turkey again this year at my mom's and I'm making my infamous pumpkin pie.  Oh yeah.  Yum!  This is the pie with a gingersnap crust with maple syrup as the sweetener.  Burp! I'd better make four pies.  Three for my brother and one for the rest of us.  Oops.  I mean, three for me and one for the rest of them.

If you haven't heard, I'm training for my first full marathon, 26.2 miles of pure running bliss.  Ha!

You probably know that I've done several halves, much more than should be needed to make a whole, but I decided to take leave of my senses and prepare for the Houston Marathon in January.  Earlier this year, a close friend did her first marathon.  She inspired me and since next year is the celebration of the start of my 6th decade, it seemed like a good time to do it. 

The training is a beating.  Evil Twin and Oreo Cat are thoroughly enjoying the details of my torturous long runs although Oreo Cat isn't thrilled that I'm gone from his service for several hours at a time.   It's been warm here which isn't much fun for running.  My friend has been a great source of encouragement, soothing my whining and sympathizing with my aches and pains.

Last weekend's 20-miler had potential.  A cooling north breeze made me shiver a few times but my feet got soaked on the wet grassy knoll where I ran that day.  Wet feet and new, too-thick socks gave me an enormous blister on the bottom of my left big toe and a smaller blister on my right big toe.  EW!   I hobbled (not gobbled) around like a blue-haired LOL (Little Old Lady).  I've got the LOL shuffle down if anyone needs any pointers.

Besides running, I know I've been busy but not with anything interesting enough to keep you awake.




It's almost time for Evil Twin and I to do our Christmas shopping for you guys.  I'm tingling with excitement!


"1.00s, 1.50s, 1.75s for the short arms. If you know what I'm talking about, you're probably old, too."

"Boomer brain fog: What was the last, middle, and first part of what you just said to me?"