I hope this day finds you with blessing from God. My name is Deria from Nyberia. I am inform you of 1.5 trillion dollars of British pounds for you. I musts needs your account number to transfer make.
Oh, wait. That's the wrong type of letter. Sorry about that.
The guys here are pretty hawt, well, except for Nooter, and he's just a hot dog. The poor thing kept getting overheated during the outside activities. Or maybe it was the beer that RedRaider kept putting in his water bowl.
And for the cat, yes, there are other kitties here and strangely enough, there are no mice.
On Tuesday, we did a sing-a-long. I somehow slept through this. I think Kathcom drugged me after hearing me practice on Monday evening.
Wednesday, it was campfire stories. I was in the latrine all evening and missed the fun. Apparently, I'm allergic to alligator (Remember the swimming on Monday? Well, we had that sucker for lunch!)
During the story-telling event, Quirky got carried away with the smores and caught several tents on fire. Nooter tried to put out the fire but he ran out of pee. Fortunately, Quirky was able to sacrifice a few of her Diet Dr Peppers to save our camp.
I'm not sure what happened with the others. I was given a map, one bottle of water, and a walking stick. I was blind-folded and shoved in Rambler's dang wooden bus and dropped off in the middle of nowhere. Nonamedufus puked on my map so it was kind of hard to make out the trails. I got lost six times but I made it back to camp with all limbs intact.
The mosquitoes ate me alive. I spent the evening soaking in calamine lotion and now I've got a funny itch in my.....
Finally, we have a remote camper with a birthday today. Dana, one of our hilarious humor bloggers, is currently marooned in Florida and she is turning 60 years young today. This calls for a special celebration. My apologies but the only cake I could find was this monstrosity:
Yes, this cake satirically explains my sentiments about that dang bus.
Happy Birthday, Dana!
That's about it. I had a great time and can't wait to come back next year! A special thanks to camp chief thinkinfyou and the following counselors for their hard work this week:
mizzdrake - Capft queen
quirkyloon - Supermarket singer and lyrical genius
spaz - King of Kumbayah
redraider - Be careful if he hands you a leafy plant.
white shark - It's not safe to be in the water, folks.
Coming next week, long, boring, blog award acceptance speeches. Well.....I hope the post won't be boring but I have a couple of special awards from very special folks. I bet they thought I forgot. ;-)
Photo credits: On the trail: ReformingGeek (Bandelier National Park in New Mexico), cake: Hysterical Bertha on flickr.com, Creative Commons license (see sidebar), doll: ohsohappytogether, flickr.com, Creative Commons license (see sidebar).