Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Burned Roast

A little bird told me that someone named Wiesel has a birthday today and this weasel is turning 29..

Uh, ReformingGeek?


This episode of brain fog is getting very bad. Take your meds with some wine and try again.

Sheesh! NOT AGAIN. Oh, I see my mistake. Thanks.

Let me try this again.

A little bird told me that someone named Diesel, from Mattress Police, and the grunt behind, has a birthday today and this old dude is turning 49.

Ha! He's older than me. I love it!

Anyhowser, what goes with a name like Diesel? My first thought was of a thirsty 18-wheeler and then I started thinking about corn and beans and other sources of fuel. Then I farted.

Sorry. It must have been the beans. Hubby and the cat are giving me a funny look. What? What? Did I grow an extra head?

Because of this guy's birthday, this week's cooking experiment will be a little early or Tuesday's post is a little late. Pick one and let's move on.

I dusted off my Paparazzi camera and put on my best stalker's cap and went searching for the dirt on Diesel.

It seems he has struggled all his life. He just never quite fit in:

He was "colored" in a world of white. Oh,my. Say it ain't so.

By the way, is anyone surprised that Diesel is a black penguin?

After a less-than-angelic childhood and a few prison terms, it appears Diesel went into hiding. It was difficult to find out any real blackmail material (pun intended) so I sent in the big guns:

Yeah. I know that is a silent black (yep, pun intended) helicopter but it's the best I could do in this economy. Even the Paparazzi are short on funds.

I did learn that you don't want to piss off this guy. He fed his brother Liesel to the wolves Orcas. Apparently Liesel just wouldn't shut up. You know the type.

Yummy...for the whale.

Well, that's it. This Diesel guy is all cooked up and ready to serve. Pass the salt and hand me that bowl of beans.

Seriously, I love reading Diesel's blog Mattress Police with that subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle humor flavored with ass-kicking sarcasm. Great stuff! I noticed one of his tags recently: "Full of himself". That's funny but it's not true. He's a good guy. Now go sign-up for if you have not already!

Happy Birthday, Diesel!

Actually, this looks kind of like Benjamin Linus as a baby....

Photo credits: black penguin:, black helicopter:, hungry orca: some email, baby Diesel: some email


Ed & Jeanne said...

Ha! Diesel is older than me too. You just made my day. "Diesel is old, Diesel is old" Yes...I'm that childish...

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Diesel!

Anonymous said...

I'll have to go check out this Diesel person.

Another nice roast/b-day tribute Reffers!

And I absolutely adore your meerkat kitty! Hilarious, GF!


Jean Knee said...

I didn't know there were any bloggers older than you.


ReformingGeek said...

@VE - I'm glad I made your day!

@Dizzblnd - Yeah. It's not my birthday.

@Quirkyloon - Thanks! Silly cats...

@Jean - I was also very surprised!

robkroese said...

Thanks, RG!

For the record, if you average the two ages she ascribed to me, you'll get my ACTUAL age.

The Constant Complainer said...

Thanks for the suggestion. I checked out Diesel's blog. What's up with the cleaning of the ears with Lysol wipes. Yikes. But fun nonetheless.

I hope you'll visit back to the Complainer soon. Take care.

Bee said...

Big D is gettin' old!

The Constant Complainer said...

Reforming Geek, thanks for commenting back on my site.

I love your blog and have enjoyed following it on a daily basis. I just added you to my blogroll! Have a great evening!

Meg said...

I love that you aged him. Thank you!

ReformingGeek said...

@Bee - apparently, not as old as the little bird told me.

@Constant - Thanks!

@Prefers - Ah...the freedom of the pen.

Anonymous said...

A very well timed fart, may I say ...

Elizabeth said...

Happy Birthday to your friend. And I've been meaning to tell you I love the picture at the top of your blog. I had it open the other day and my husband walked by and did a double take. It's too funny!

ReformingGeek said...

@Chris - Absolutely

@Elizabeth - Thanks. I love it, too.

Funny Videos said...

I had fun reading the post

"1.00s, 1.50s, 1.75s for the short arms. If you know what I'm talking about, you're probably old, too."

"Boomer brain fog: What was the last, middle, and first part of what you just said to me?"