The alternative is not so great....
I've scheduled this post and I'm assuming I woke up this morning and the world didn't end during the night. Any day that I wake-up is a great day and I get another being funny of course! If the world ended during the night, none of us would giving a flying flip about this post now would we?
Someone asked me if it was a milestone birthday. I wanted to snarkily respond "Yes. I'm thirty you Doofus" or "so what milestone did you have in mind?" but I took a breath and told him "No milestone. I'm leaning on the back end of the same decade you're in, Buddy!"
I know. That's all I could come up with at the moment.
Some people do not engage brain before mouth.
Another guy in the gym calls me "Old Timer". I'm sure it's because I've been around this gym forever not because I'm old.
Yeah. I'm a little naive sometimes.
He wanted to know my age to determine if he needed to add "Old" to my nickname. I told him that I was still younger than him so to shut the eff up.
Just kidding. I didn't really say it quite that way.
Come closer and I'll tell you how old I am.
Just a wee bit closer.
That's right. Only a geek would report her age in Hexadecimal. My real age is somewhere within this post. Twice.
Mom got me a small cake with balloons on it. She still thinks I'm just a young'n.
My SIL made me some soaps. They are well made so they won't be appearing on Julia D's Homemade Hilarity blog!
Aren't you convinced that cats are 47 evil?
My friend gave me a candle and shared her lunch with me. YUM! That candle was very tasty!
Hubby got me a cool book. I'm very excited because I just realized that I can still read something that is not on a computer screen!
As for celebrations, I had to work last night so tonight we will do a dinner out with some friends and share a bottle of wine. Sorry guys, no dancing nekid on the table this time (I don't want to break my hip you know) and if you have the pictures from last time, SHAME ON YOU! I paid you off. Now destroy the negatives already!
I also want to thank Tracy at Rambling Thoughts of the Never Ending Mind for giving me an early birthday prezzie last week. She must know how much I like lemons.

Now if I can just get it open and get those lemons out and get some of you started squeezing them, I'll be in good shape to make my next batch of lemon cookies. As for passing it on, if you want it, it's yours. Just send me a sample of what you made with the lemons.
Speaking of lemons, WTF is this?

Is it a tutu that vomited a tutu and then vomited yet another one?
I'll leave you with a little song (just in case you have not figured out the age thing yet):
100 bottles of beer on the wall, 100 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall.
47 bottles of beer on the wall, 47 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around, 46 bottles of beer on the wall.
Yeah. That's right. I'm going backwards. I'll be 46 next year.
Photo credits: Lemon monstrosity: The, Soaps: ReformingGeek
As I do for all of my family and friends:
Haaaaaaappppppppeeeeeeee Birthday To Youuuuuuuuu
Haaaappppeeee Birthday Toooooo Youuuuuuu
Haaaappppeeee 47th Birthday,
Deeeeeeeeeeearrrrr Reforming Geeeeek
Haaaaaapppppeeee Birrrrrthday TooooYouuuuuu!
Hope you have 47 mooooooorrrreeeeee!
So, you're 47, eh?
What do I win for getting it right?
Happy Happy Birthday Birthday to to You You!!!!
They say it's your birthday
noo noo noo noo noo noo
I hope you have a good one
noo noo noo noo nooo
They say it's your birthday!
It's the Reffers b-day!
Well I'm not calling you old....yet (ha!)
And here's hoping that zombies don't get us tomorrow!
That is my birthday wish for you.
Hilarious! Happy Birthday ReformingGeek! Had I known the cats and the beer bottles were going to tell me the magic number, I wouldn't have hurt my little brain trying to calculate your mysterious Hexspeak. :D
@Tracy - Thanks. Sorry no prizes. The cats ate them.
@georgie - Thanks.
@Quirky - Thanks. I'm glad you're not calling me old!
@Marissa - Thanks. You knew I wouldn't make it too hard.
Dammit.. I had your birthday as a pop up reminder on my puter and I soooooo forgot to stop by.
Happy belated b-day to you
tracy sang the rest.. so I will spare you.
If you want.. I will strangle that guy with my phone cord ;)
those soaps are a lovely colour
oh for gack's sake 47 ain't old--especially if you're going to be 46 next year
Happy, Happy,Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthday you cute little geek you.
it's always been my dream to one day be on that homemade website :)
@dizzblnd - Thanks and yes, you can strangle him!
@nursemyra - Thank you. They look nice in that bathroom.
@jean - I don't feel any older today.
Happy Birthday, RG! If your birthday's go backwards, what happens when you get to the end of your 1st b'day?
Hope you had a great day and here's to 46 more!
Happy Birthday! As a token that you don't care how old you are ... I'd like to suggest wearing that yellow bit of vomit for your next birthday party! Would be fun.
Happy Birthday. We're not getting older, we're getting smarter. At least that's what I tell myself. :)
Happy Birthday. Enjoy your dinner and wine.
Happy birthday you old geek! I'm saying "old" because you've been around the blogoshpere for a long time, not because you are old. Duh!
Hope you enjoyed yourself and your hip is still in tact. I would hate to lose you!
What...another birthday? Didn't you have one of these last year? Are you going to have one of these like every year? HBTY
Oh...and I checked the Earth's official logs. Apparently the world did end last night but nobody bothered to read the details about it...
Happy belated birthday to you! Every year for me is a milestone. Every year it gets hard to lug my happy ass outta bed.
47?? holy christ! thats.. lemme see.. (thinking)... 329 on my calendar. oh my. do you need to sit down?
kidding! happy bd rg
@Deb - Thanks. Yeah. Someone else told me the going backwards thing doesn't work!
@Chris - I look very bad in yellow. Sorry. Not gonna happen!
@Leeuna - There's a lot to be said for life experiences!
@Prefers - Thanks. It was great!
@Kirsten - Thanks. Hip is OK!
@VE - Thanks. I missed the end of the world. Dang!
@Bee - Yeah. This morning was hard!
@Nooter - Go take a nap. You'll ok! Thanks.
Happy belated birthday !!!
Happy B-day late
I heard or read (don't remember but that's a common problem) a good thought about the over the hill idea.
One age advantage is at the top of the hill you can see both sides.
@Dani - Thanks.
@lisleman - Thanks. I like the both sides observation!
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