I've got a little something up my sleeve today. Since I will be leaving town on Halloween, I borrowed a watch from *Dumbledore and programmed it to jump forward to next week so I could find out what happens on Halloween night. I somehow landed in a graveyard and this is what I saw:
- Hungry zombies. My Evil Twin fed them Cat. Poor kitty. I shall miss the whining, vacuum-stopping-up beastoid.
- Restless spirits. I'm fairly certain that one of them was Michael Jackson and another may have been my dad, carrying a roll of duct tape.
- Fresh graves. As I got a little closer, I noticed a common theme. Maybe you bloggers should be extra careful this week. **Sniff**
Oh no! Poor Otin:
Um....that's a little scary. Have you read his stories over at Wizard of Otin? If you go over there, leave the lights on while you read.
Around the corner, I saw this:
DANG! Not Meg from Prefers her Fantasy Life. I loved hearing about her fantasies and I never got a chance to roast her. I'm sure she would have been tasty.
Then I found this one and starting crying:
Uh oh. Poor Quirkster. She was my bestest blogging loon. I shall miss her.
Then I noticed her new neighbor:
YIKES! This is unbelievable. I remember Deb saying she didn't like cats. On the bright side, no more bad hair days up on the Maine coast.
Here's another one. Oh, this is really awful. Poor Mama-face.
PHEW! I'm glad that one was a false alarm. What an odd joke..... Never fear. She is still hard at work over at Blog Ignoramus.
I hope what I've seen doesn't come true. These are really great folks. Maybe it was just the stupid watch. I might have had better luck with the **Doctor's TARDIS!
*Harry and Hermione used the watch in The Prisoner of Azkaban. If you don't know what this is, it's possible that a zombie has already eaten part of your brain or you've been in a coma for the past ten years or you're a normal person... No, that can't be it.
**Doctor Who can time travel in this machine that looks like a British Telephone box. If you don't know what this is, it's possible a zombie has already eaten part of your brain or you have a life and don't watch British television... No, that can't be it.
Check out Humor Bloggers dot com for more Halloween fun this week!
Tombstones courtesy of Evil Twin and tombstonebuilder.com.