Oh, no. I've been tagged again. I know I said I wasn't going to play these games but I couldn't resist another opportunity to embarrass myself now could I? This time the tag came from
VE in his post with the "ever so cute" picture of him as a teenager. OMG! Where was he when I was 14? I could never release any photos of me as a teenager except maybe my senior picture when I was sporting a Dorothy Hamill wedge (I almost typed widget) for my senior picture and I was actually wearing makeup.
I even tried to bribe
VE with
cookies to get out of this but he was unrelenting.
OK. Back to what I'm supposed to do here. I'm supposed to embarrass myself with songs I'm ashamed to have liked/owned.
VE made fun of the lyrics and himself. I sort of did this but I think the songs will speak for themselves.
A few of these are even on my iPod (
"You are my candy, girl" and "I can make your life so sweet". This is just so 60's. When I was about nine, I loved to dance and this was a fun song to play while doing the little go-go thing.
I had never seen this video. It's hilarious. Be sure to watch the whole thing. The cola can does something even more rude later in the video.
This is a classic song that kids seem to like (this is way before
The Lion King folks). I liked Robert John's version better than the Token's version. His has the trombone interlude in the middle of the song. Maybe that's why I wanted to play trombone when I was 11.
This is a nice video with a slide show of different lion photos. I was somewhat surprised to only see a few lions actually sleeping. The rest of them looked hungry. My cat and I were starting to get a little scared.
I still like this song.
I wanted her voice; so pretty. It's back to a time when life seemed so much easier.
I know. On a lame scale from 1 to 10, this is about a 12. Sorry.Oh yeah. Go Ethel Go. ROFL! No really. You have to at least smile. When it first came out, it was pretty funny and do you remember that people started a streaking streak? Hahahahahaha. I can't believe I just said that.
This is serious "sing in the shower" stuff. I loved singing in the shower until the neighbors called to complain about the gosh-awful racket coming from the upstairs window
(guess I should have shut it).
Yep, this one is on my iPod. It helps me get through those long runs.
I don't know why. I think I fantasized that I was blonde and cute and could sing like her. And that guy singing bass on the chorus, wow! As for this video, it's from 1974 and guys there are a few shots of her legs if you're into legs. She must be a distance runner......not much in the boob department ;-)
I did not realize this song was from the 70's. I was just a kid. No really.
I tried the karaoke version on youtube. Hahahahahahha! That was funny. The phone rang and it was my neighbor complaining about the noise again. Oh well.
It came out when I was a young adult wanting to find "love" and I was really into country/rock crossover music
(I can't believe this was over 20 years ago). Almost everyone knows the words and starts singing (or lip-syncing) when they hear it. Just watch the video.
Take note of that mound of white hair on Kenny's head. But if you really want to see Kenny age, watch the one with Carrie Underwood.
Sorry, Carrie. You sing pretty but for this song, only Dolly will do.Hubby hates this song. I think he would maim himself if he actually had to listen to it.
Hang on guys. I know you have probably barfed by now but there's just a few more to go.
Ouga Chaka Ouga Ouga Ouga Chaka Ouga Ouga Ouga..... Huh? Whatever. I still bob my head when I hear this one!
Seasons in the Sun by Terry Jacks
OMG! Why in world does anybody listen to this song? The guy's dying. Please stop singing about it! I couldn't bring myself to include a video.
Bee Gees Greatest Hits
I can't believe I still like some of these songs. In the summer of 1980 (yes, the summer with 60+ days of temps over 100 here in Texas) I worked at Six Flags and I carpooled with a friend who lived close by. She got the cassette (yeah, cassette) for her birthday and played it over and over again as we drove over 20 miles to and from the park every damn day. I think I all of the songs by heart and it was a long time before I could listen to any of them again. For awhile I wanted to maim myself when I heard these songs.
Almost anything
ABBA. Classic stuff from Swedish singers that don't know English
(They didn't at the time). You've got to give them credit for that. And hats off to them for being one of the first groups to do "videos".
OK, that's enough. I love music and there are more songs that could really embarrass me, but I actually wanted you to finish reading this post. I'm totally red in the face and those of you who know me, please don't rub it in.
Sing me a
smiley, would you?